Thursday, August 2, 2012

Holy cow! We moved to Georgia!

Well I can't believe it, but we are 100% moved in! I feel like I should catch you up on everything that has been happening. So here we go...

Sunday, July 29th: With help from some fabulous friends in Charlotte, Allen and I packed up everything, yes everything, into our 16 foot Penske truck. We had our last NC dinner at Cook Out since we knew there wouldn't be one in GA. After all the packing was done, Allen and his roommate Steve sat in their empty apartment drinking beer and eating ice cream. Neither of us slept very well that night. I think we were both anxious for the next day.

Monday, July 30th: We woke up early and loaded the final boxes, bags, and miscellaneous items. We tried waiting around for the mail person to come to check out mailboxes one last time, but were too excited to get on our way. Around 11:30 we said our final goodbyes and left the Queen City.

We got into Athens around 3:30. Picked up our keys with no problem and headed to our new place. Allen's best friend from home came to help us load things in. He was a life saver! There was no way we could have gotten everything out of the truck and into our apartment without him. Before he left, we went to Athens Sushi Bar. It was delicious! That night we were up until midnight starting the unpacking process.

Tuesday, July 31st: Unpacking, unpacking, unpacking, unpacking. That is all we did all day. Until we got hungry. We had dinner at The Taco Stand. My burrito was yummy, but Allen's nachos were only okay. You live, you learn. We located the Wal-mart. Now I must say, I am not a fan on Wal-mart by any means. But this one is really nice. It is huuuuuuge and and well kept. Perfect for getting apartment supplies as well as groceries. 

Wednesday, August 1st: It's August?! When did that happen? The summer flew by! Today was "hanging day" in the apartment. We got a majority of the pictures hung up. We also had the cable/phone/internet installed. Turns out, it is cheaper to have all three than just cable and internet. Who would have thought? The bad news is, there is only one cable hook up in the entire apartment. Which means we will only have the living room TV hooked up. We are still going to keep the TV in the bedroom for moving watching and such. We did our big grocery shop and got all the essentials to have on hand. I cooked dinner for the first time! Pasta with salad. I finally got to make Allen a birthday cake. Strawberry cake with cream cheese icing. We finished the night by potting our new plants. Oh, but I failed to mention the most exciting part of the day - we located a Bojangles! We didn't think there were any around us, but there is one about five minutes away from our apartment! Hooray! 

Thursday, August 2nd: The final touches! I finally hung all of my clothes in my closet. Allen finished hanging the last few pictures. And we are done. Here is a brief rundown of our place:

Utility closet (L)     Bathroom (R)

Guest room

Living room

Living room

Living room

Dining room

Kitchen side A

Kitchen side B

Front garden

Mom, Dad, Mimi, and Pop: I know you guys probably want to see every angle of every corner in the whole place. So, for those of you wanting to see the rest of the pictures, click on this link: Apartment Pictures

I am completly in love with our new place. It is a perfect size for us and a perfect location. We are in a very safe neighborhood. We've met a few of our neighbors and they seem really nice. I am not sure what the weekend has in store for us. Maybe some more exploring.

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