Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Yes, another job update

Well ladies and gentleman, I have more news about my employment. You came here to read, so I supposed I will give you the long version...

Sometime in May or June - I found Athens Academy. It is a great private school in the area. They have all of the arts (music, chorus, orchestra, art, theatre, etc.) but no dance program. I sent an email to some people in the administration asking if they were interested in starting dance at their school. Sadly, they sad no. So I thought that was it and went on with life.

Saturday - I woke up, checked Facebook (duh) then my email. I received an email for the enrichment coordinator at Athens Academy. They hold an after school enrichment program that offers several different types of classes for students 4 years old - 8th grade. Everything from yoga, to cooking, to creative recycling (omg... where was this class when I was a kid?!). She asked if I was interested in teaching a dance class for their program. DUH number two! So of course I emailed back saying I was definitely interested. We ended up emailing back and fourth all weekend and talked on the phone Sunday.

Monday - Work at Rocky Branch... same ole same ole... But after work I went to Athens Academy to meet with the coordinator. Let me just say, everyone I came in contact with was SO nice, SO friendly, and SO helpful. I took a tour of two of their 14 builds. You heard me right, 14 buildings. More on that in a different post. So here is the rundown on what I will be doing:

  • Teaching a dance enrichment after school program for three different levels
  • Three levels include preschool (4-5 year olds), lower school (1st-4th graders), and middle school (5th-8th graders)
  • I will be teaching dance in a couple different ways...
    • Preschool: Combining curriculum with dance. Creative movement.
    • Lower: Same as above with a little splash of tricks and popular moves.
    • Middle: Equal parts creative movement and popular movement.
  • I will be teaching on Wednesdays (we think). Each level has a one hour class.

After much deliberation, I decided that I could not continue my job with Rocky Branch and do this program. My Wednesday classes will start as early as 1:30 so there is no way I could do both. I know I will be able to continue substituting at Little Prodigies which is really exciting. I am also going to begin substituting for  the Oconee County School System. I will have a lot of flexibility in my schedule which will be nice. I assume I will be working at least 3 days a week if not 5. So today I handed in my two weeks notice to Rocky Branch. They are disappointed to see me go, but happy for me that I get to work in my field. My last day will be Friday, September 7. I am not going to tell the kids until next week - even then, probably not until that day. No need to get them all worked up. 

Hopefully this will be my last change of jobs for a while. Maybe now I can get into a groove that feels right. 

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