Friday, August 3, 2012

Exploring Athens by Bicycle

Today we went for our first bike ride around the city. All said and done it was an hour long excursion. I was exhausted! Now, there is something I need for you to keep in mind. I am from Eastern North Carolina. That is the flat lands. No hills, no inclines, no slope at all. Athens, however, is not the flat lands. By no means is it a mountainous region, but it is considerable more steep than what I am accustomed to. So yes, I was exhausted.

I apologize for not having a picture to go with our journey, but by the time we got home we were soaked in sweat. I figured you all did not want to see that. We are going on another ride tomorrow through the Boulevard section of town. Tree lined streets, plantation homes, and best yet - relatively flat! If we can do a bike ride everyday we will be in such great shape! I realize that is dreaming big, but why not aim high? I'll be impressed if we stick to three time a week.

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