Thursday, July 26, 2012

Saying Goodbye

As excited as I am about moving to Athens, saying goodbye is less thrilling.

I have been biding adieu since May. A whole week of goodbyes from my kids after student teaching.

A few goodbyes at graduation.

The goodbyes that really started to hit me hard was my last week of working in the Dance Department. Saying farewell to the faculty that I have worked with over the past four years was difficult. But even harder was the goodbye to Robinson Hall. This building has been my home no matter what my mailing address was. I had great joys like the Spring and Fall Dance Concerts and great pain like the Spring and Fall Dance Concerts in that building. I am so thankful to have received such a great education in such a beautiful facility. I thought it was quite appropriate that it started to rain as I left the building. I admit, it was a tearful goodbye.

Immediately after leaving, Allen and I took off for Greenville. It was a journey full of parties. We had another Graduation celebration so my grandparents could enjoy the festivities. 

The next morning we took a family picture on the fornt porch. This picture is modeled after one taken in the early 1990's. We have everyone in it except Marisa. I think I would like to make this a new tradition - porch picture at every family get-together. 

After the grandparent party, we had a Graduation / Going Away party for close family friends to enjoy. It was a chocolate soiree! Mom made Magic Cookie Bars, a Chocolate Cherry Torte, and Chocolate Fondu. Yum! We spent quality time with loved ones, such as my nephew Liam. It was a fun yet tearful send off. 

But our traveling was no where near over. We left Greenville, took an hour long pit stop in Charlotte, and made our way to Brevard. We had a small birthday celebration for Allen. The big 2-4! We were able to spend time with his parents, his Granny, and his best friend Andrew. We were in the mountains for less that 24 hours, but it was a nice visit. I also had a very exciting milestone for the Corolla. 

We then had a night in Charlotte - that's right, just one. We picked up Allen's sweet new road bike and celebrated his birthday with the crew at Macados. The next evening, after a short visit with our Atlanta friends Brittney and Sean, we hopped on a 2 AM train to Delaware. This was Allen's first American train ride. Luckily, we slept most of the way. 

We dubbed our trip to Delaware "The Red Meat Tour". The first night we had grilled filet steaks. On our day trip to Philadelphia we had cheesesteaks (of course). That night we had the prime rib special at a local brewery. When we weren't eating red meat, we were celebrating Allen's birthday (for the third time), betting on horse racing, and caching up with the ice cream truck. It was a good visit with Dad and Sherry. 

Tonight I said goodbye to my best friend, Paige. It was hard this past year going from living with each other to living five minutes away. I am not sure how I am going to get through being four hours away from her! But we have already started planning her first trip down to Athens. Let the record show that I did not cry. That's right, biggest cry baby alive did not shed a tear. I find that to be a major accomplishment! I love my bff! 

Tomorrow we will have our final StAC party, minus the C. So I guess that makes it a StA, or is it SAt, or maybe tAS party. Either way, it will be the last time all the architecture kids get together before they go their separate ways. It is sure to be a banger. 

I cannot wait to start our new life in Georgia, but I will surely miss all the wonderful people I have met over the past four years. Be sure that I will come back and visit. Maybe if we are lucky, the wind will blow us back to the area in two or three years. 

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