Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Full Time Teacher!

I am so excited to announce, for those that do not know, that I have begun a full time teaching job with Little Prodigies. To make a very long story short, there was an opening and I was asked if I was interested. Was I interested? You bet!

So here's the long and short of it... I will be working in the "Monets"room which are the 'crawlers' approximately 8 months - 13 months. Some of them are on baby food, some are on table food, but most of them still drink bottles. They are so sweet. They are giggly, wobbly, and snuggly. I love my students! Each one has such a different personality! 

The official perks of this job:
  • 8 am - 5 pm with a 1 hour lunch, five days a week
  • Maximum of ten students at a time
  • Always two teachers in the room
The unofficial perks of this job:
  • Awesome boss and co-workers
  • Rocking babies to sleep
  • Hand and foot print art projects that parents will look back on and love
Needless to say, I am very excited about this job. So I will leave you with this: my official picture outside the door hanging with the other teachers. 

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