Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Love Story

You may remember an earlier post about the neighborhood cat. Well, now there are two... here is their love story:

This is Oscar (the dark one) and Cynthia (the light one)

I put out a bowl of milk for them to drink. Cynthia drank quite a lot while Oscar stood guard.

Allen made a piece offering. He had a fatty part from his steak left over so he tossed it out to them. Oscar couldn't quite figure out what it was, but Cynthia knew it was a gem.

She took the treat and ate it in the garden so she didn't have to share with Oscar. That was okay with him though, since it left the milk bowl free game.

Then Cynthia came back wanting more milk so they shared. Cute! 

I moved the bowl closer to the door so our neighbors wouldn't run in to it. Cynthia wasn't very happy about that. But once I went inside she hoped back up and went at it. She has beautiful blue eyes, not that you can tell from the picture. But she is very skittish  Oscar on the other hand waltzes right into our apartment if the door is left open. Allen isn't thrilled about that.

I hope one or both of them is/are fixed so we didn't have baby kittens running around. Since our apartment complex doesn't allow pets we know they don't belong to anyone that lives here. Perhaps someone feeds them on a daily basis nearby. For now, they can always count on some love and milk from me.

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