Wednesday, November 13, 2013

November is for Giving Thanks (#1-10)

Remember last year when I picked something I was thankful for each day? Well, I really enjoyed that. I enjoyed reflecting on the good of the day. I really like looking back now and seeing what was going on throughout the month last year. I think I'll do it again this year...

  1. Rain: Today I awoke to a wonderfully rainy day. Yes, it makes my commute just a little bit longer when it is raining, but I love smell of rain. 
  2. Japanese Food: I have been craving hibachi for quite a while. Today I finally got a chance to indulge. I may or may not have eaten the entire plate. Japanese food is a close second place to pasta when it comes to my favorite.
  3. House cleaning: It may be a pain sometimes, but I am so thankful that I have a beautiful apartment to keep clean, a dishwasher to was the plates I eat off of, and a washing machine to clean the clothes I wear daily. 
  4. Pinterest Recipes: I made a delicious, easy, and healthy dinner in the crock pot for tonight's dinner. Balsamic chicken and veggies. I love that our generation has Pinterest to find such amazing recipes, crafts, and other ideas.
  5. Kind Customers: A customer wrote a wonderful email directed to my supervisor about the "extremely helpful, kind, and personable"service she received from me the day before. Positive feedback is always great to hear.
  6. The Modern Pin-Ups: I love my Wednesday evening dance company. I am lucky to dance with such beautiful, talented, and courageous women who encourage and empower one another.
  7. M&M McFlurry's: I had a terrrrrrible craving for one of these delicious treats. So Allen, being the enabler that he is, offered to go get one. Yum! 
  8. Chick Flicks: Allen has been super busy with his final studio project which means I have had control over the TV. Tonight I watched classics such as Steel Magnoias and The Divine Secreats of the YaYa Sisterhood.
  9. College Football: Today was UGA's homecoming game. Allen's sister and her boyfriend are alumni of the school we played (Appalachian State) so they came down to visit. We enjoyed watching the game together at a local bar/restaurant.
  10. Future family members: We really enjoyed the weekend with Allen's sister and her boyfriend. I am so lucky to be joining such a loving family.

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