Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

Allen and I got our first Christmas Tree together. Growing up in Greenville, there were popup, side of the road, tree sellers. We searched, and searched, and searched but couldn't find one. So we ended up at Wal-Mart. Yes I know, Wal-Mart sucks. I will be the first person to tell you that. But that's where it came from.  In spite of that, I think it turned out great :)

He wanted this one

So we got it

And then we decorated it

And a daytime shot of the tree

And this was before I wrapped all the presents... I may have gone a little overboard this year.

Paige Visits!

Allen was busy all weekend preparing for finals so Paige and I had a girls weekend. Here are the highlights:

Doughnuts for her birthday...

...or were they for the neighborhood cat?

Delicious dinner at Taqueria del Sol

Footie pajamas 

Death by present wrapping

We also went shopping, stayed up late, and ate entirely too much "snow crunch"...  I love my best friend! 

The Final Thanks

22- Thanksgiving. This is my favorite holiday. Perhaps it has something to do with the socially acceptable act of stuffing your face, but mostly I think I like it so much because every sits down and enjoys time together. 

23- Small towns. Did a bit of Black Friday shopping around downtown Brevard. Shop local! 

24- Candles. Today we picked up a 'pine' scented candle. Yum! 

25- Productive Days. I love when I can get up, head to the gym, then work on my to-do list. Grad school application is done. Just waiting on two more references to come in. 

26- Secret Santa. We are playing at work and I received my secret person today. So excited for the presents I have planned!

27- The essentials. I am so thankful to have a warm roof over our heads, clean water, and nourishing food. Sometimes it is easy to overlook those things. 

28- Dance Education. Since it was my last day at Athens Academy I did a huge review class. I cannot believe how much these kids have learned and grown over just eight weeks. I wish I could continue to see what else they are capable of, but I know I am in the right place at Little Prodigies. PS: I'm also thankful for haircuts.

29- My best friend. We had a good heart to heart tonight, but even when we don't talk she is still the best. 

30- Allen. He keeps me grounded, happy, and hopeful. I'm a lucky girl.

I have a lot to be thankful for.